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Showing posts from February, 2017

Virtue signalling for fun and profit

Oh I got into an argument on Twitter. You may have noticed, there's a lot of that sort of thing about at the moment. I'm not about to go over already well-trodden ground. We all know the bigots are slithering out of the woodwork. You don't need me to point it out to you. But one aspect of their current standard practice is causing me considerable disquiet. It's the phrase "virtue signalling". Generally used to dismiss somone who's said something vaguely liberal, or left leaning. Y'know, like maybe we shouldn't make thousands of child refugees sit in a dismal camp, prey to traffickers. Possibly, being the world's sixth largest economy , we could maybe afford to take a few more. You're just virtue signalling, cry the trolls from their bedroom in their mum's house. You wouldn't have them come to live with you. Of course; because not being able to fit a refugee into my terraced house is exactly the same as a GOVERNMENT not being...