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Showing posts from April, 2023 the risk of repeating myself

I wonder why I'm still doing this. Here I am, but why? I'm pretty sure a fairly recent (ish, well, recent by my standards) post has posited the same question, but repeating myself is pretty much all I've got at the minute, so that's what'll have to do, here, now, while I wait for a couple of tables to leave. "Might as well" isn't really the most compelling reason to write, is it? I mean, it's not the worst reason, it's not doing any harm, but it's hardly a passionate, driven compulsion. It's not having to write or else your head might burst. Might as well. February the 11th. That's the last time that I posted something here. Seems a long time ago, is a long time ago, really. At least by the standards of the content driven age, where four posts a day is slacking off, I might as well be chalking some mammoths on a cave wall. I'm not built for these times, I don't have time for these times. Seriously, the one thing that always ...