Okay, distinct paucity of blog action recently, for which I am sorry. In mitigation the manager at work is off on his jollies and I am left holding the fort (with no little aplomb, if I can be allowed a brief moment of self-aggrandisement), I'm currently five days into an eleven day stint.
Some thoughts: managers are liars, learn this and learn it well. Management consists entirely of doing no work and just checking that everything's fine. My predecessors lied to me for years, it's really not that hard. I'm quite angry with them for pretending that it was. When you manage you don't have to do any cleaning, ergo it's easier.
You can't please everyone, this is a concept which anyone who works in service industries should clasp to their knackered breast as a shining torch of hope, my god but the general public will happily whine about anything, just repeat the mantra of "It's really not that important" to yourself the ENTIRE TIME and there is a glimmer of hope, only a glimmer, mind.
Delegation is a skill which I hearti;y wish I'd learned many years ago. There is no shame in telling someone else to do something when you crave a quiet afternoon with a cigar or six, a nice glass of port and a book of well-written essays about slightly ropey poets. Edna st vincent Millay I'm looking at YOU/
Sleep is underrated, badly underrated. Do it every chance you get, you'll be happier I promise, or your house back. Your fucking HOUSE. Think about it, gamble your house if you must. I'm right, if I'm not then fuck, I'll buy you a new house.
Some thoughts: managers are liars, learn this and learn it well. Management consists entirely of doing no work and just checking that everything's fine. My predecessors lied to me for years, it's really not that hard. I'm quite angry with them for pretending that it was. When you manage you don't have to do any cleaning, ergo it's easier.
You can't please everyone, this is a concept which anyone who works in service industries should clasp to their knackered breast as a shining torch of hope, my god but the general public will happily whine about anything, just repeat the mantra of "It's really not that important" to yourself the ENTIRE TIME and there is a glimmer of hope, only a glimmer, mind.
Delegation is a skill which I hearti;y wish I'd learned many years ago. There is no shame in telling someone else to do something when you crave a quiet afternoon with a cigar or six, a nice glass of port and a book of well-written essays about slightly ropey poets. Edna st vincent Millay I'm looking at YOU/
Sleep is underrated, badly underrated. Do it every chance you get, you'll be happier I promise, or your house back. Your fucking HOUSE. Think about it, gamble your house if you must. I'm right, if I'm not then fuck, I'll buy you a new house.
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