As I’ve time, I’ve been thinking about time. I have time as a few days break from my (otherwise all-consuming) day job has given me some. Not a lot, as there are other selves, husband, father, which need to be addressed first, all of which takes time.
Writing these pieces takes a bit, too, necessarily. But here’s the point of time, it needs to be used. This use might involve nothing of immediate consequence (a snatched half-hour zoning out in bed to clear your head), or something of more obvious value (building a lego castle)with your son. On the first morning of these holidays, I abused time horribly, suddenly realising that half an hour had disappeared as I aimlessly wandered through buzzfeed lists and scrolled through status updates of people I barely know, it was then I conceived the idea of this essay series, to give myself some time to write.
Time grows from loci, if you set yourself tasks you have more time, not less. When I finish this short piece and upload it I’ll look at the clock and realise it’s taken me no time at all, vast stretches of the morning remain. If I‘d got up and gone on facebook, I’d be wondering where the time went. I shouldn’t be too rude about facebook though, it’s the source of the quote which titles this piece, I’d discuss it further but whilst not out of time, I have pretty much run out of space.
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