All, of course, should read Gary Younge's article in teh Grauniad today. Better yet, get stuck into the comments for a ripe slice of why people who comment on Grauniad articles are even worse than people who comment on BBC articles. Heaven save us from liberals who want to be iconoclasts. Learn, people, the whole point of being a liberal is to be a big girl's blouse. Try to be a liberal hardass and you just come off as a total prick. Um, yeah, but, like, what do I owe Haiti yeah? You don't. And that's fine. Anything you choose to do, or not to do is between you and your conscience. I see no sense in making it a matter of public record unless you're grandstanding. In which case you're clearly a fucking cunt on general principles.
And no, I'm not telling you what I've done, what kind of a fucking idiot would that make me? Ah, the kind that implies he's a generous benefactor whilst simultaneously castigating those who do something similar, aha, the double bubble total prick, a vicious circle, my children.
In further news from our spectacular irony desk, an email arrives from 3dg3 h1ll inviting me, hilariously, to a conference on widening participation! There will be a buffet! And drinks! 3dg3 H1ll axed its widening participation programme in the latest round of budget cuts! Thanks to Mandelson! See you there!
Further yucks to be had at the conference's strapline: "Mainstreaming Equity, Opportunity and Success in Higher Education". Anyone who can read this sentence with a straight face is no friend of mine. Die. Die. Die now. Die.
And no, I'm not telling you what I've done, what kind of a fucking idiot would that make me? Ah, the kind that implies he's a generous benefactor whilst simultaneously castigating those who do something similar, aha, the double bubble total prick, a vicious circle, my children.
In further news from our spectacular irony desk, an email arrives from 3dg3 h1ll inviting me, hilariously, to a conference on widening participation! There will be a buffet! And drinks! 3dg3 H1ll axed its widening participation programme in the latest round of budget cuts! Thanks to Mandelson! See you there!
Further yucks to be had at the conference's strapline: "Mainstreaming Equity, Opportunity and Success in Higher Education". Anyone who can read this sentence with a straight face is no friend of mine. Die. Die. Die now. Die.
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